Push Notification in Android Using Netmera Integration

3 min readNov 10, 2021
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash


Netmera is engaging with customers starting with timely, relevant and personalised communications. Netmera not only covers a wide range of messaging options from rich media notifications to in-app pop-ups, but also offers various additional features to optimize your communication strategy and campaigns.

Features Support:

  • Push notifications
  • Event based
  • User creation
  • & others

Integrate SDK:

Please follow these steps mentioned in below link,


Push Notifications & Campaigning:

This is done by Firebase messaging service, so we need to check whether it has been implemented or not. If it is implemented then we can use the existing implementation of FCM service class, no need to further implement this.

If we wants to implements from scratch then we need to follow these steps mentioned in the link, https://developer.netmera.com/en/Android/push-notifications

Once this setup is done we need to create a campaign for this in order to send push notification to our registered mobile devices.

For this login into netmera dashboard,

URL: https://next.netmera.com/#/login



After login done add the FCM API key & sender id into the netmera by clicking Developers>Push backends>android

Now we are finally done with all the setup with FCM and Netmera connection.

Note: It might take 1 days to show in netmera for activation .

Then click on messages> campaigns>create new campaign for sending push notifications,

Then it will look like

Now enter campaign name and select the device platform and fill up all the desired fields and finally it will look like,

Then click on send to send push notification. The message will appear on registered device.

Yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!! finally

Events based:

It tracks the all related to the device that is something happens. For more information


After checking the code setup then to see that in netmera we need to check

User Creation:

This is basically used for sending all the information of devices which are registered.


